About Us
Katarina KECA

I'm Katarina, I also go by Katie. I'm a 23 year old, actor, yogi, vegetarian and animal lover. I grew up in Grimsby Ontario. I studied Theatre at Concordia University in Montreal, and I will continue to study acting with LS&CO after the trip. I love mangos, reading and poetry. Death Cab and Beatle's fan, I squeal when I see puppies and I'm passionate about natural health, the environment and acting. I look forward to learning more about myself, my sister and my relationship to this country on this adventure. Ask me anything.
Im Jewel, 18 years old, always been vegetarian & animal lover. I recently graduated high school and have been spending my first year out of school working at a dog kennel, building up my little hobby farm, and raising a future dog guide. My other hobbies besides animals include hockey, soccer, piano and snowboarding. Im either outside exploring or cuddled up watching 'Friends' with my dogs. I eat about 4 avocados a day. When I grow up, I want to be as happy as I am now. Any questions are welcomed!

Our Relationship as Sisters
Growing up, we shared a room together. So I guess you could say we we're forced to get along, but it never really felt like that. We we're both generally happy to be around each other and have always been friends. Of course we fought and there was the occasional claw marks but it was few and far apart. Even now we still get in arguments but then its like "hey I'm going for a ride wanna come?" We may not talk but theres the mutual feeling of forgiveness.
Although we have similar physical characteristics, we are both very different from each other. Katie would be described as more outgoing, confident, the leader if you will, while Jewel is more quiet, does her own thing and tends to be a follower. Its what makes us work so well as a team though. We have what the other one lacks, but also teach each other constantly.
Our passion for animals, nature and health keeps us close at the roots. No matter if Katie ends up in the city acting, and Jewel ends up on a farm with 12 dogs, our hearts will always belong to the earth and its creatures, and there we find our connection as sisters stronger than ever.

About our Horses
I'm Lux. Nobody knows my age for sure, but if I counted correctly I'm 12. My mother was a Quarter Horse, and I hear stories that my father was either a Thoroughbred or Arabian.. possibly both. I'm a majestic creature, I've heard humans and horses often talk of my very strong rear end. It helps me carry all those packs. My mom says I'm fiery and wild, but I can only get so excited now that walking has calmed me down a lot. I love itches under my chin, and I'm ALWAYS in the lead. I'm a Leo like my mom. I have a very beautiful, manly whinny, and my bright coat is the colour of copper, and my tail is thick and luscious, like my name, Lux-urious. My mom calls me Luxembourg a lot, I like it, it sounds noble.
I'm Ora. I am 5 years old but I know everything! I am full Appaloosa and use my beautiful spots to my advantage. Such as Lux. He is my lover. He is enchanted by my beauty and I can never be apart from him. He may not know how much he loves me yet.. but by the end of this trip, he will. My human refers to me as sassy and stubborn, but I like to think I'm honest. I let her know when I don't want to do something, but sometimes I can be nice and listen to her. I really like food (bananas are my fav) but I think bum scratches are even better! I am strong and have stamina. The secret to that is to lay down A LOT. Naps are essential to stay strong, sassy and sexy. Xoxo!! ps. I give kisses <3
About our Videographer/Photographer

Joseph Keca
Joseph is our older brother, he's 25 years old and has a passion for music, art, acting, film, photography and athletics. He decided to come along with us on the trip about 2 days before we left. And we don't know what we'd do without him. He follows along, or bikes ahead on his bicycle, Abe. Almost all the photography you see in our blogs, on our website, and in the videos are his work. Joseph also creates original music for all the videos. He is an extraordinary photographer, and his work grows better and better each day. Along with capturing our adventure on film, he also helps us out by grabbing groceries when he can, and making sandwiches for us. He balances out our dynamic and pushes us to new distances. Our journey would not be the same, nor would it be captured to the depth in which Joseph is able to reach. We hope you enjoy his work as much as we do.